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Maternity services tour videos

Take a look at our new maternity tour videos on our YouTube channel, guiding you round our Labour Ward, Birthing Unit, antenatal services, postnatal ward and sharing more information about infant feeding and examinations. Created in partnership with West Essex Maternity Voice Partnership in response to your feedback.

Welcome and introduction

Welcome from Guiseppe Labriola, director of midwifery

Antenatal services

Labour Ward

Birthing Unit and infant feeding

Postnatal care, Samson Ward and newborn/infant physical examinations

Early Pregnancy Unit

The Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) provides care and support for women and birthing people who are below 15 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy and who have pregnancy related concerns.

Possible concers include:

  • Bleeding

  • Abdominal cramps

Such symptoms may, or may well not, be signs of a problem with your pregnancy.

Please note that you must have an appointment to attend the EPU.

The Princess Alexandra Hospital
Blue Zone, Lower Ground, Women's Health Unit.


From the 10th of June, 2024, appointments will take place from 8.30am to 6pm.

Contact the unit by calling EPU Triage Reception on 01279827107, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm and a nurse will call you back within these working hours.

Also, you can email us at paht.paht.womenshealthassessment@nhs.net from 8.30am to 6pm - we aim to respond to your email within 24 hours, but if it is the weekend, we will respond when we are open.

We are closed on public holidays and weekends.

If your query is urgent, please call 111 or speak to your GP.

Useful resources:

Request a baby loss certificate

Royal Colleage of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - molar pregnancy and gestational trophoblastic disease

Charing Cross gestational trophoblast disease service

Patient information – Charing Cross gestational trophoblast disease service

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - early miscarriage information

Online maternity padlet

Advice for Early Pregnancy Unit patients

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - surgical management of miscarriage

Birth Centre

Our Birth Centre offers a warm, friendly and home-like environment for healthy pregnant women and birthing people.

All of our birthing rooms are equipped with birthing aids such as fixed birthing pools, birth stools, a sling and birthing balls to encourage an active labour.

We also provide a range pain relief of options to support you during your labour, including the use of a birth pool, gas and air, and Diamorphine.

Epidurals are not available to use for pain relief within the Birth Centre.

If you have experienced complications during your pregnancy, we

may recommend that you give birth to your baby in the Labour Ward. However if you would like to discuss your birth place options further please discuss this with your Community Midwife who may refer you to our Consultant Midwife for a birth options appointment.  

The Birth Centre is located on the ground floor within the maternity unit.

Visiting hours (from 7 September 2023)

  • Two birth partners are allowed whilst the woman/birthing person is in labour
  • One adult is visitor allowed 24-hours a day. This does not need to be a birth partner, but must be an adult
  • Family time: Siblings of newborn babies can visit between 2-5pm every day. They must be accompanied by an adult

Contact details
01279 82 7176

Maternity triage service

The maternity triage service is available for women and birthing people from 16 weeks of pregnancy up until 28 days after the birth of their baby and who have pregnancy related concerns.

Our specialist team of midwives are on hand to provide expert care and offer advice 24 hours a day, seven days per week, both at the maternity triage unit and via the telephone helpline. We aim to see people within 15 minutes of arrival for an initial review and assessment.

It’s so important that women and birthing people with pregnancy related concerns such as abdominal pain, leaking of fluid, or changes in their baby’s movements, can seek the appropriate advice and follow up care as soon as possible.

Women and birthing people who are below 15 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy will be seen in our Early Pregnancy Unit.

Contact details
01279 82 7286

We recommend that women and birthing people contact the maternity triage helpline before attending the hospital, so that our team can advise accordingly.

The maternity triage service can be found on the lower ground floor, blue zone, location A40.

Labour Ward

Our Labour Ward is where you and your baby will be cared for during your labour and birth.

If you have experienced complications during pregnancy, it is likely that you will give birth in the Labour Ward; however, you can still choose to have your baby in the Labour Ward if you have not experienced complications during your pregnancy.

We have a dedicated team available to support you and nine comfortable and relaxing rooms, including a separate room should you present any high risk factors during your labour, and a birthing pool room.

All of our birthing rooms are equipped with birthing aids such a birth balls, stools and bean bags to encourage an active labour.

We also provide a full range pain relief of options to support you during your labour, including gas and air, diamorphine, and an epidural. 


The Labour Ward is located on the ground floor within the maternity unit.

Visiting hours (from 7 September 2023):

  • Two birth partners allowed whilst the woman/birthing person is in labour

  • One visitor allowed in the recovery area

Contact details

01279 97 3203 or 01279 97 3142

Samson Ward

Samson ward

Samson Ward is a postnatal ward. 

The Princess Alexandra Hospital
Zone A, A36

Visiting hours (from 7 September 2023)

  • One adult visitor allowed 24-hours a day
  • Family time: Siblings of newborn babies can visit between 2-5pm every day. They must be accompanied by an adult
  • To avoid crowding, a maximum of three visitors are allowed at the bedside

Breakfast: 7am
Lunch: 12-1pm
Dinner: 5-6pm

Contact telephone number
01279 827108

Ward manager
Olivia King

Chamberlen Ward

Chamberlen Ward an antenatal ward designed to provide pre-labour high risk care.

The Princess Alexandra Hospital
Lower ground floor, Zone A, location A39.

Visiting hours (from 7 September 2023)

  • One adult visitor allowed 24-hours a day
  • Family time: Siblings of newborn babies can visit between 2-5pm every day. They must be accompanied by an adult
  • To avoid crowding, a maximum of three visitors are allowed at the bedside

Breakfast: 7-8am
Lunch: 12-1pm
Dinner: 5-5.30pm

01279 82 7109

Ward manager
Caroline Nelson

Inpatient comment:

Everyone offered words of such reassurance and kindness. I felt so cared for and the communication with me at all times was fantastic.