Carers hospital support and liaison
Carers – information to support you
A carer is anyone who helps to care for a friend or family member (usually unpaid) who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.
We recognise the invaluable contribution that carers make to support patients visiting or staying in our hospitals and we are keen to establish a partnership approach between our people and family carers to help support loved ones.
What is the role of a family carer?
The role of a carer is very diverse and can cover a multitude of activities such as assisting someone to go to the toilet, helping them with washing or to get dressed and move around their home.
Carers can also undertake daily tasks such as shopping, cleaning, cooking, washing clothes, assisting with medication, managing money and taking people to appointments. The list is endless and if someone else depends on you to help them with tasks to support them in their day-to-day life, however small your contribution, you are a family carer.
The Family Carers' Passport and lanyard
We have developed a family carers’ passport and to ensure that family carers are recognised for the contribution they can make to help support patients whilst staying in hospital.
We recognise that when a friend or loved one, who is dependent on the care you provide to them at home, is admitted to hospital, that you may have concerns.
If you are helping a relative/friend who you provide carer support to, we can arrange for you to have a carer passport and lanyard which will:
- Enable staff to share details of care plans with you
- Give you access to concessions such as discounted parking and refreshments in the Alexandra Restaurant
- Unrestricted visiting times (when appropriate)
- Provide you with blankets and pillows if you find yourself needing to stay overnight unexpectedly
Whilst we recognise and encourage carers to support their friend/family member during their stay in hospital, it is important to remember that occasionally our ward staff may ask you to leave the bay/ward to maintain the privacy and dignity of other patients.
To apply for a family carers’ passport, please speak to the ward/department manager and they will be able to assist you.
Carer support useful contacts
Patient advice and liaison service
Our patient advice and liaison service (PALS) are here to support and help resolve any concerns or problems you may have.
You can contact them as follows:
- Telephone: 01279 827211
- Email:
- Visit:
Action for family carers
Action for family carers offer information, support and guidance whilst the person you care for is staying in the hospital and with follow-up support in the community. For further information visit
Other useful contacts within the hospital
- Discharge team: 01279 967297
- Admiral Nurse: 01279 978777
- Out-of-hours contact the site team (via switchboard): 01279 444455
- Learning disability team: 01279 978742
- Palliative team: 01279 977846
- Butterfly Volunteers: 01279 973805
- Compassionate care/Forget-Me-Not volunteers: 01279 978387