Our doctors and consultants are committed to providing outstanding care. They are essential to our journey of transformation and improvement. This will lead us successfully into the future, enabling us to deliver modern, integrated and outstanding care that keeps our growing and ageing population healthier.
I had very good support from my senior colleagues, consultants...Working in the NHS is working as a team. Every person has their specific roles in patients' care and we all respect each other.
Manju Yadav, medical training initiative (MTI) trainee in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Stories from our people...
I was a student in PAH in September 1997 and successfully was offered a job here in September 2000. I have enjoyed working in PAH for the last 21 years and lots has changed. Positive change...
Daniella Pritchard- nurse, inclusion champion, staff side secretary, and Unison branch secretary
I was a student in PAH in September 1997 and successfully was offered a job here in September 2000. I have enjoyed working in PAH for the last 21 years and lots has changed. Positive change...