Stories from our people...
Charlotte Collings, recruitment and retention nurse
You feel part of a family and wider community, where your fellow colleagues want to build you to whatever that next step is, be it learning and development or a promotion.
Taylor Higgitt, project coordinator, former business administrative apprentice
Completing my apprenticeship within the NHS allowed me to gain insight into how a hospital runs and helped me realise that the clinical side of it is just one cog in the wheel
Caro Daniels, community midwife
I am really enjoying being in a team where we get to know our clients and can offer them truly individualised and holistic care. I work with a great team who are always there for each other and offer support, both emotionally and practically. I feel that staff wellbeing is a priority and that the Trust is taking steps to recruit and retain midwives so that we can provide the best care for families.
Manju Yadav, medical training initiative trainee in obstetrics and gynaecology
never hesitate to ask for help. If you are not feeling confident in doing something, even if you have done it many times before, ask for help.
Aga Platos, business support administrator
I have attended two induction days which I loved. They were very engaging and well managed by the Learning and Education Centre team. There were speakers representing all hospital departments and I’ve met many people from all corners of the world and made some new friends. A couple of weeks later, I attended the new starter forum where we met all the executive and non-executive directors of the hospital. We had a speedy chit-chat with each of them asking all sorts of questions – funny and serious, we had lunch and lots of activities, engaging us all.
Jessica Mann, clinical lead and education and training technician
I started working for PAH Pharmacy department in 2016 as a Band 4 Rotational Pharmacy Technician, I started my rotations in the Dispensary, and then moved to the Technical Service unit where they compound and dispense chemotherapy and MAB'S.
Freshtah Weidi, pharmacist
The pharmacy team is very friendly and approachable which fosters a harmonious working environment, which is ideal for any new pharmacist entering the job.
Cherie Beckett, acting senior biomedical scientist
The work of a Biomedical Scientist really underpins the PAHT values; especially "patient-at-heart". As a Biomedical Scientist, I seldom get to meet the patients that I care for, but they are always at the heart of all that I do and every single sample represents a patient. I love my job because every day is different and I get such satisfaction from feeling that I can really make a difference.