What is Alex Health?

Alex Health logo

Your new electronic health record is here. It is one of the biggest developments The Princess Alexandra Hospital has ever seen and we’re calling it Alex Health.

Alex Health is an integrated digital record of your care, drawing together information from all systems that store your personal health care data. It helps hospital clinicians and your GP get fast and easy access to this data and save you having to repeat your information every time you see them.

The electronic health record we have introduced is being successfully used by hospitals across the world, including many NHS trusts in England.

For more information about Alex Health, click on the blue buttons.

Patients will access Alex Health via the patient portal.

Alex Health went live on 2-3 November. However, you may still receive notifications from Dr Doctor during this transition period. Click here to learn more about how to view your appointment letters online.

For more information about the patient portal, click on the pink buttons below.

What is the patient portal?

The patient portal is a web-based, secure, digital service where you can see information relating to your care with us. By choosing to use the patient portal, you will be able to:

  • Manage your own appointment schedule
  • Complete assessments and questionnaires from home
  • View all hospital letters digitally
  • Receive appointment reminders on your phone

What can I expect from the patient portal?

Did you know you can manage your care online in our patient portal?

With the patient portal, you can keep informed and up to date with your care from anywhere. 

You might have already used our patient portal, but we're working on improving it so you can do even more!

Over the next year, we will be introducing new functionality such as:

  • Confirming, rescheduling and cancelling your appointments in the portal
  • Completing assessments and questionnaires from home
  • Viewing and managing your information and receiving Princess Alexandra hospital notifications in the NHS App
  • Viewing your hospital health record in the portal

We're working to make managing your healthcare with us easier, quicker and safer through the patient portal, but don't worry, if you can't or don't want to use it, you'll continue to receive all your hospital information via the post or telephone as usual.


Benefits of the patient portal

Over the next 12 months, we are implementing, improving, and transforming the patient portal to provide a wide variety of benefits 

When the patient portal is fully functional:

  • When you receive a notification from the hospital, you will only receive a text message from a recognisable name “NHS PAH” to access the patient portal. 
  • You will have easy digital access to view your appointments and clinical letters. 
  • You will be able to see all your appointment information in a portal accessible from a phone, tablet, laptop or pc, with all the information you need in one place. 
  • You will receive an improved quality of care by improving accessibility options for you. 
  • You will have the ability to switch between paper letters only and digital online letters at the your convenience. 
  • You will not have have to wait for paper letters to come in the post, as they will be available at your fingertips through the patient portal.
  • When you visit the hospital for your appointment, you won't need to remember to bring paper letters to appointments, as it will be in the patient portal.

How can I access the patient portal?

The portal is available to all patients over the age of 18, via any internet or data-connected device such as smartphone, tablet, computer or laptop. 

If we have your phone number, we'll text you when you have a new appointment letter that's viewable within the patient portal. To access the patient portal, tap the link within the text message and complete registration.

It's important that when asked for your Communication consent, you select 'Yes'. This will allow you to use the patient portal. 

Is the patient portal the same as the NHS App?

The NHS App is different to our patient portal, but the two work together. Think of the NHS app as the front door to all of your NHS information. For us, our patient portal is what's behind it. 

The NHS App contains loads of useful information and capabilities for managing your care with your GP and hospitals. Later this year you'll be able to see Princess Alexandra information in there too - this is thanks to our new patient portal. 

To read more about the NHS App, visit the NHS website here

How can I be sure text messages are from the hospital and the links are safe to click on?

Right now we have two portals, which means you could receive text messages in two ways:

From 'NHS PAHT' or '07860 039092'

Any text messages received from either of these two senders is from Princess Alexandra Hospital and the information contained is safe and trustworthy.

Eventually all text messages will come from NHS PAHT, but this change will take place gradually over 2025. In the meantime, whichever portal you are using, be assured your information is safe, secure and easy to access.

If you are unsure about a text message from us, or you'd like to talk to someone to check before you tap a link, please don't hesitate to contact our PALS team on 01279 827211 or email paht.pals@nhs.net.

Do I have to use the patient portal?

To get the most out of Alex Health, we would strongly encourage you to use the patient portal. 

However, using the portal is completely optional and if you are not able to or choose not to use it, you will continue to receive your letters and appointment information by post. 

If you register for the portal but decide you'd like to go back to paper letters and telephone communications in the future, you can do so by unregistering and deleting your account within the portal. 

Your patient portal timeline

In this timeline, you can follow our progress with the patient portal. 

It's important to note that at this stage our timings are subject to change so we haven't included any dates.

Please see below for the patient portal timeline:

Roadmap image of journey of patient portal. Image of current portal and image of upcoming portal. Wordings What you can see now? You receive a text message with a link that takes you to the portal (shown above) where you can view your letter and appointments from the hospital.What changes are being made? You will receive text messages from 07860 039092 and “NHS PAH” with a link to access your digital letters from the hospital. There is nothing you need to do except register when required. You have the choice to decide how to receive your letters - digitally or in the post. What will you see over the next year? You will only receive a text message from a recognisable name “NHS PAH” to access the patient portal. A new look to your patient portal (shown above). Access using NHS App login details.

Inpatient comment:

Everyone offered words of such reassurance and kindness. I felt so cared for and the communication with me at all times was fantastic.