
Data protection and confidentiality policy: 

This policy describes responsibilities for the safeguarding of confidential information. It applies to all of our people and all the information and data we hold in any format.

Status: ratified and published.

Information governance strategy: This strategy describes our immediate and future approach to support the information governance aims and objectives for the next two years.

Status: ratified and published.

Individuals’ data protection rights policy: This policy provides guidance and documents the procedures to enable individuals to exercise any of their rights at our trust.

Status: ratified and published.

Data protection and privacy impact assessment policy: This policy sets the principles which form the basis for a data protection and privacy impact assessment, including the basic steps which all staff should understand and must follow during the initiation phase or early assessment for the development and implementation of projects at our trust.

Status: Ratified and published.

Records of processing activities policy: This policy provides detailed guidance about documenting processing activities under the General Data Protection Regulation. It applies to all the information and data we hold in any format.

Status: Drafted and under review.

All policies are available to all of our people via our internal intranet system. However, if you are not a member of staff and would like a copy of any of these documents, then you can submit a freedom of information (FOI) request by contacting  paht.foi@nhs.net .  If the request is for a document that contains exempt information, we will only communicate the disclosable information in that document.

Please visit our freedom of information page for further information

Inpatient comment:

Everyone offered words of such reassurance and kindness. I felt so cared for and the communication with me at all times was fantastic.