Women in Loughton, Buckhurst Hill and Chigwell to be invited to access breast screening mobile unit | News and events

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Women in Loughton, Buckhurst Hill and Chigwell to be invited to access breast screening mobile unit

Photo of the breast screening unit

Women who are registered with the following GP surgeries are to be invited to access breast screening at a mobile unit at St Margaret’s Hospital, Epping, which will be available until February 2025:

  • Loughton Health Centre
  • Chigwell Medical Centre
  • The Loughton Surgery
  • Forest Practice
  • Palmerston Road
  • Kings Medical Centre
  • The River Surgery

The mobile breast screening unit will be located in the front car park of St Margaret’s Hospital; invitations will be sent to patients aged between 50 and 70 who are due their three-yearly screen. 

It is anticipated that approximately 7,000 women will be eligible for screening over the coming months and invited for a timed appointment. 

The breast screening service, which is provided by The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT), is an important part of a national approach to detecting cancer.

It is estimated that across the country 1,400 lives will be saved each year by the programme. 

Helen Lavelle, breast service manager at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust, said: “Our mobile unit contains the latest equipment and technology. Upon arrival, each patient will be greeted by a radiographer, who will explain the process. The screening takes less than eight minutes and the results are available two to three weeks later. 

“It will be three years before women are called again in this area. It is hoped that more women than ever before will take up the opportunity of this vital examination.” 

Women are screened every three years after the age of 50 and until they are 70. 

Please note that women cannot just drop in for an appointment, but if they wish to check when they may be called, they can contact the office on 01992 560001

Special arrangements can be made for women with a disability by contacting 01992 560001

After the age of 70 and 11 months, women can self-refer for an appointment by calling 01992 560001.

Inpatient comment:

Everyone offered words of such reassurance and kindness. I felt so cared for and the communication with me at all times was fantastic.

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