Walk-in X-ray requests from GPs at The Princess Alexandra Hospital now running as usual

In an effort to manage increased demand for X-rays at The Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH), temporary changes were made on 20 Januaryto the times in which walk-in X-ray requests from GPs could be facilitated by the radiology department at PAH.
These changes have now been lifted, and from today (Thursday 30 January), walk-in X-ray requests from GPs can now be facilitated at all sites, including PAH, St Margaret’s Hospital, and Herts and Essex Community Hospital, as follows:
- Monday to Friday between 8am and 7:30pm
- Saturday and Sunday between 9am and 4:30pm
Note:X-ray requests from GPs for patients that have had an injury to the spine/pelvis or hips in the past four weeks and querying a bone injury, should attend the radiology department at PAH in Harlow.