Self-refer to our maternity services
Now that you have found out that you are pregnant, please get in touch with our maternity team as soon as possible to book your first appointment.
You can book your first appointment by completing an online self-referral form via this link >
Once we have received your self-referral form, we will be in touch to schedule your appointment, this usually happens within five days of receiving your referral.
Please ensure that you have completed all of the fields correctly to avoid any delays in booking your first appointment.
We aim to schedule your first appointment with one of our midwives by the time that you are eight to ten weeks pregnant, depending on how many weeks pregnant you are when we receive your self-referral.
If you need additional support in completing your self-referral form please contact the maternity helpline on01279 82 7286.
To help guide the choices you make about your maternity care, please take a look at the Mum and Baby App, available to download on the App store or Android store.